6 month 1:1 coaching program to help you build sustainable healthy habits for life.

Healthy Habits = Healthy Life

Learn the psychology behind habit development. This is key to building strong systems and routines that work for you and your busy life.

Gain valuable insight that will help you shift your habits for good, so you can say goodbye to quick fixes, fad diets, restarts & frustration over 'knowing what to do, but just not doing it'. 

Building habits are different than getting a meal plan or someone just ‘telling you what to do’. Habits are there long after the coaching has stopped.

Habits are the things that we subconsciously do and take very little mental energy once established. You currently have a whole whack of habits in your every day life. Let’s work together to capitalize on the helpful ones that are already there, establish new habits that serve your needs, and build a life that feels healthy, easy & in alignment.

Accountability coaching calls

Weekly 1:1 calls to help you stay focused.

This is the secret sauce to helping you build small (but mighty) long term habits. Our weekly check-in’s are an opportunity to review the week past and look for the small wins (key to keeping momentum going!), as well as review and talk through obstacles and barriers. We collaborate together to find the right habits and options that align your life, schedule & personal goals.

If you’ve tried to go it alone before and find yourself here on this page, this could be the missing piece. Humans like to think we can do it all. The reality is that life pulls you in a million and one different directions.

Knowing that you have a coach in your corner, keeping you focused when life is pulling you in every other direction, along with a customized approach could be the missing piece that you haven’t previously tried.

Resources you can use & reuse for life

Tangible resources are included with Whole Health Coaching including meal plan templates, mindful grocery shopping list, meal ideas, food prep shortcuts and much more! These tools & pdfs are interwoven into the coaching calls and are additional tools to help you build & practice new habits and live a healthy sustainable life.

5 Pillars of Health

Whole Health Coaching uses my 5 Pillars of Health Approach to examine various areas of your life and how they are supporting your overall health & wellbeing.

Other programs approach health from one or two of these pillars, but looking at all of them and recognizing how they are all inter-related, is essential to long term sustainable health.

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A Peek Inside Whole Health

Curious how we’ll be working together, what the specifics of coaching includes and what to expect? Watch my short video or schedule a call below.

This is an opportunity to discover what motivates you, what barriers you have, why other attempts haven't been successful and how we can, together, build a strong action plan you will actually follow through on.

This is habit-based health coaching, and likely different than other attempts you’ve tried to improve your health or fitness over the years.

  • Is Whole Health for me?

    ** You have tried the 30 day, quick fix, fad diet thing, and are ready for a long-term sustainable solution.

    ** You know your life is busy and chaotic and need to find something personalized that works for you, and are ready to commit to finding your unique solution.

    ** You can commit about an hour a week to leveling up your nutrition habits

    ** You want to improve your health, feel better in your own skin, sleep better, move with more ease, and are ready to release the tight grip with the scale.

  • Who Whole Health isn't for:

    ** You have a specific time & weight loss goal (i.e. lose 15 lbs by the end of the year).

    ** You just want someone to give you a meal plan that solves all your problems.

    ** You really need to weigh yourself every day as a marker of progress & self worth.

    ** You are resistant to change and not likely to make any real shifts in your life.


Hiring a trainer or a coach is a big decision. There are so many options and each coach has their own unique style, and personality. it’s important to find the right coach that meshes with you!

On this call, you'll have the wonderful opportunity to receive direct and insightful answers to all of the burning questions swirling around in your mind.

  • "She is organized, dependable, thoughtful, patient and clearly very skilled in her craft. I appreciate that she is able to design a program that is suitable for my abilities, challenging me but never pushing me beyond what I can safely do."


  • "Working with Marisa has been like a slow but steady revolution. I needed to learn how to heal my relationship with food & meal prep, and I wanted to get healthier. And using her resourcefulness, versatility, and excellent coaching skills Marisa was able to get me on the right road. She teaches you how to use your own resources to reach your goals at a pace you can sustain. I was worried I wouldn't get a great workout, but I can feel the burn!"


  • "I’ve been able to change my whole perception around food and making healthy balanced choices. Your add in habits are simple and easy to consider and implement. I’ve upped my overall daily steps, weekly workouts, amount of veggies I get daily, I feel more confident and was able to start doing things I love again in all different facets of my life. I’ve lost weight, I’m happier, I feel stronger, I feel less stressed and I have a better over all balance in my life again. Most importantly, I have started creating a positive relationship with food and am able to work through all the food guilt I was carrying around in my life."


  • "While I had been consistent with regular exercise, I was frustrated with my poor eating habits and looking for support. Marisa's approach is not prescriptive or restrictive. Implementing small changes and building on successes from week to week are some of the strategies that have made the biggest difference for me. Marisa's sensible guidance can give you tools to nourish yourself so you can do the things you want to do."


  • "Marisa designs work out regimes that are customized on what my needs are in the moment but also focused on my fitness goals. So, if I’ve come off a long run, she adapts my training to account for tired legs or any specific problem areas I’m experiencing. Her enthusiasm and energy makes it fun and exciting and helps challenge me. Her holistic approach integrates strength training, cardio, yoga and nutrition. There’s nothing more motivating than reaching my goals and Marisa has been an integral part of my journey."


  • "My recent goals were to learn to use my condo gym equipment safely and properly in order to make this a regular addition to my exercise program. I now feel more fit, stronger, happier and equipped to take this on. I highly recommend Marisa, she is able to work with you on the goals that are important to you and make it fun at the same time!"


  • "I’m so proud that all that my hard work might be helpful to other people! It’s a great testament to you – truly an appropriate vignette to use to introduce people to your highly effective and compassionate approach to personal training."


  • "A friend and I did a 5 session pack with Marisa and we both loved it! The exercises were challenging but fun, varied, and tailored to our goals and abilities. Marisa was friendly, knowledgeable, and flexible with training times. Months later, I am still using a lot of the skills I learned from Marisa in my workouts."


  • "I had never been able to do a squat as it hurt my knees too much. Through our training you got me to squat down low enough that I am able to read my putts when I golf. Even with this new found ability I still miss most of them."


  • "Since I started working with Marisa I haven't had to go to my (previously) regularly needed chiro + physio appointments. The regular aches and pains that I had have gone away and I am enjoying life without the regular flare ups!"



Personal Training


Health Retreats